Fresh Moringa Greens

Picking the Greens Hey there, Greetings! We just got an order for fresh Moringa Greens on our website. What I’ll do is I’ll come and I’ll grab the very tips of all of our freshly new green growth and the very tips (really just the top few branches) that’s especially for our fresh green orders that are coming […]

Moringa Frost Protection in Florida

Why Protection is Needed Hey there, greetings! We’re going to take you through how we got ready for the frost that rolled through a few days ago. It got in the 20s in North Florida. What We Used This second and third row here is actually seedlings down the middle and I just covered the Middle with […]

Grow Moringa Super Fast

New Growth Fast Welcome back to Grow Moringa Farms in Plant City, Florida. We actually have this new line of Moringa trees that we planted out a few months ago. They are already starting to take. We have some nice cuttings  that have some red stems on them; really beautiful. What we’re focusing on is actually getting […]

Male Fertility in America

In Decline Male fertility rates in America have been on the decline in recent years. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of sperm per milliliter of semen in American men has dropped by more than 50% over the last four decades. This decline in fertility has been […]

Healthy Alternative to Tobacco Dip

Inspiration   I saw this Tick Tock yesterday of this girl who took some leaves and she crushed it up in her mortar and pestle,  the thing that’s on the on  the Walgreens symbol. She took the leaves, ground them up, and put a little bit of honey in it. That reminded me of this dip alternative […]

Shaping Your Moringa Tree + Pruning & Harvesting

When to Start When your tree is starting to have some  wood on the bottom that shows you the time to start shaping and pruning is here.  A lot of our new trees here are startingto get really nice and big  but believe it or not I’m going ahead and just bringing them back to […]

Start a Moringa Pruning and Harvesting Business

Calling all Harvesters If you can get yourself set up to where  you have the ability to dry and you’re on the map as a harvester you can start receiving calls about coming to make harvests. In that harvest you may be able to get leaves, cuttings, drumsticks, and seeds. From there if you are […]

Growing Moringa to Detox Your Soil

Cleaning the Soil Does growing Moringa  clean the soil? Yes, that’s the whole reason why we have our members test the soil to make sure there are no toxins that the plant will pull out of the soil and into itself. So by planting the seed it’s going to absorb all the heavy metals in the […]

Standards For Drying Moringa Leaves

Does Grow Moringa Have Standards? Has there been any standardization in  regards to the drying and processing of our Loose Leaf Moringa products? Absolutely! We want to make sure that we’re doing it safely and that our customers feel confident in our processes. We have many standards regarding drying; such as where it’s dried, how […]

Magnetic Moringa BioStimulant

Is Moringa Magnetic? When I use to set up at the farmers market I once  spoke to a gentleman who was a chemist. H e asked me, “Why do you call Moringa magnetic?”  I said, “Well because it attracts a lot of minerals in the soil, because it pulls all that stuff into the soil.” He says, “T […]